
Gary Waller and his team see a sustainable building industry and business as vital to ensuring a healthy planet for future generations and  recognise there responsibility in this regard. For Gary 'sustainability' is a term that not only refers to environment, but encompasses a broader range of areas such as the health and safety of his staff, sustainable business practices, continued staff development and apprenticeship and training opportunities, which go on to help future community development and employment. 

Gary's commitment is demonstrated through his local involvement in the community.  Allowing students to complete work experience with this unique company and has taken a number of apprentices through four years of training to a final qualification. The business also host's an annual open-day where members of the public are invited to look at the workshop and observe the joiners at work using a variety of traditional hand tools and more modern electrical tools. Members of the public are invited to ask questions and are given information and advice. 
Gary strive's to incorporate ESD (Ecological Sustainable Development) principles into all of his projects and is dedicated to continuing to work to this end.  The team work's to preserve as much original material as possible and reuse fabric wherever they can. In addition to this, they ensure timbers are sourced from renewable providers and they recycle waste.

Copyright © GC Waller 2025